Book Haul #2

A new city means a new library system and thus new books!  Here is the first haul of books I choose to sign out.  There are a lot of books on my to read list.  These are just a start and a fairly random assortment of books I thought I’d be in the mood to read (and were available). (Links to Goodreads page included, covers are the versions I have, not the ones I prefer to look at).


Learning to Swear in America by Katie Kennedy: A Russian teen physics prodigy is called to America and NASA to help save the Earth from an asteroid that will destroy the planet. While in America he meets others his age and learns more about the people that live on Earth and why it should be saved.

Why I’m interested: This books seems like a mix of SciFi and the teen finding yourself generas and it has me interested. Plus I love the name of the book.

Nerve by Jeanne Ryan: An online game posts anonymous dares for the challengers to complete for the amusement of the world. As you can imagine, they get more and more dangerous and other things are likely at play here.

Why I’m interested: It has an interesting premise, one which I gravitate to reading (other examples include Fire and Flood by Victoria Scott and Flash Point by Nancy Kress) though I often find them predictable and not as good as they promise. I do live in hope that one day I will find one that lives up to my expectations. Also this book is now a movie that I am interested in seeing.

The Young Elites by Marie Lu: An illness swept the world and left some of the survivors with mutant/magical powers. This book follows one such girl as she learns more about her powers the people that want to use and abuse them.

Why I’m interested: It’s been on my list for years, with a good premise and good reviews, both of the series and the author, who also did some of the artwork in Gemina (Kaufman and Kristoff). Since I’m currently in a SciFi kick that will not let me go, I’m thinking and hoping this might appease that while also maybe letting me transition back into fantasy.

Invasion of the Tearling by Erika Johansen: This books continues Kelsea’s journey as she takes over as Queen of the Tearling, a country on the cusp of war.  In the first book we learn about Kelsea: a queen hidden away from her country in order to prevent assassination as she grows up and is taught how to rule.  Once she is of age she goes to take her crown and her place on the throne, but learns not everything she was taught (or not taught) is as it seems. 

Why I’m interested: This is simple: I loved the first book and want to continue on the series!

Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss: This book is the tale of Kvothe, a mighty wizard. It chronicals his various adventures and exploits.

Why I’m interested: Everyone has amazing things to say about this book and it has an amazing 4.55 star rating on Goodreads. Also a classic adult fantasy novel with more of a character driven plot (something I love) and one I’ve been interested in for a while. I’ve read the first chapter and a half and was very interested, just need to read the rest of this massive sucker!

5 thoughts on “Book Haul #2

  1. Ooh, a good batch! Can’t wait to hear your thoughts 🙂 Did you just travel to a new library system or are you moving r something?? I love visiting libraries whenever I travel *sigh* So much fun!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: The first ten eleven – Never Seen A Nevergreen

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